Estacada, Oregon Wedding | Jasmine & Brandon

This wedding, at the stunning private residence in Estacada, has to be one of the most moving and emotional weddings I have been to yet. I met Brandon and Jasmine in a senior general education class at George Fox, and we were placed in the same group for the senior project. I got to know them a little back then, and was instantly drawn to their fun and sweet spirits. 

I always joke at weddings that the couple can't make my cry because then I cannot see through my camera... but this wedding I was for real. The love these two share... not only can you see it but every single person there could feel it. Jasmine and Brandon share something very special. They have been through life challenges together, and have overcome together. Their love inspired us all.

Brandon & Jasmine, thank you for having me be the one to capture your very special day. I was truly blessed by your story, your love, your family and your friends. May the two of you have the most beautiful life together, hand in hand, singing along to Disney songs, and being the fun and energetic couple that you are. 



Newberg Family Photographer | Our Lady of Guadalupe Trappist Abbey | Caitie & Cory


Green Villa Barn Wedding | Megan & Austin